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The Notary is a public official entrusted by the State with the power to confer public faith, i.e. the value of legal proof, on the acts he concludes. He is established to receive acts between living persons and acts of last will, to keep their deposit and to release copies, certificates and extracts.
The public act constitutes proof that the document originates from a public official, states the declarations given by the parties and the events that occurred in his presence or those performed by him.
The Notary personally ascertains, in a thorough and complete manner, the intentions of the persons who come before him, by means of questions and exchange of information, in order to identify the reasons for and possible changes in the intentions presented to him.
The Notary drafts the act in accordance with the law and in the most appropriate and economical form in relation to the manifested intention.
The Notary is required by law to be super partes and hence to protect the parties equally.